Ödəniş gecikərsə nə baş verir?

İlk 2 ayın ödənişi güzəşt müddəti olaraq hesablanır və sonrakı aylar üzrə ödəniş gecikərsə, istifadə edilmiş məbləğə 30% gecikmə faizi hesablanır. Ardıcıl iki ay gecikmə olduqda kart bloklanır.

Taksit üzrə hesablanmış borcu vaxtından əvvəl bağlamaq mümkündürmü?

Bəli, amma cari aya aid komissiya müştəridən tutulur.

Kartmane Taksit kartını necə əldə edə bilərəm?

Müraciəti onlayn və ya Rabitəbank filiallarına yaxınlaşaraq edə bilərsən. Lazımi sənədləri təqdim etmək prosesin sürətlənməsinə kömək edəcək.

Taksitlər necə hesablanır?

Taksitlər aylıq ödəniş qrafikinə uyğun olaraq, əməliyyat məbləğinin 1.5%-i əsasında hesablanır.

Güzəşt müddəti necə işləyir?

Nağdsız əməliyyatlar üçün 70 günədək güzəşt müddəti mövcuddur. Bu müddət ərzində borc tam şəkildə ödənsə, əlavə faiz hesablanmır

Faiz dərəcələri necədir? (FIFD)

Kredit xətti üzrə FİFD illik min. 25% - maks. 35.08%.

Taksit əməliyyatları üçün ilk 3 ayın ödənişi komissiyasız.


Kartmane Taksit kartının illik xidmət haqqı nə qədərdir?

Kartın növündən asılı olaraq:

  • Visa Infinite: 299 AZN/170 USD/EUR
  • MC Black: 199 AZN/120 USD/EUR
  • Digər sadə taksit kartları 5 il müddətinə pulsuz təqdim olunur.
Kart üçün hansı sənədlər tələb olunur?
  • Şəxsiyyət vəsiqəsi
  • İş yerindən arayış (elektron arayış və ya maaş hesabından çıxarış)
  • Bank tərəfindən tələb edilə biləcək digər sənədlər
Kartmane Taksit kartını kimlər əldə edə bilər?

18-60 yaş (təkrar müştərilər üçün 65 yaşadək) aralığında olan, stabil gəliri və minimum 6 aylıq iş təcrübəsi olan şəxslər müraciət edə bilər.

Birdən nağdlaşdırmaq istəsəm?

Bəzən nağd pul da lazım olur. İstəsən, Kartmane taksit kartı ilə məbləği 100% nağdlaşdıra bilərsən. Nağd pul çıxarışlarında 2% komissiya (minimum 3 AZN/USD/EUR) tətbiq olunur.

Kartın üstünlükləri nələrdir?

Kartmane taksit kartı üstünlüklərlə doludur.

  • 3 ay komissiyasız ödəniş
  • 100% nağdlaşdırma
  • 36 ayadək taksit
  • 10%-dək keşbek
  • Ölkə xaricində də istifadə
Kartmane Taksit kartı nədir?

Kartmane Taksit kartı alış-verişlərdə sərfəli şərtlərlə taksitlərə bölmək imkanı yaradan kredit kartıdır.

Card type and service fee

Card Type: VISA Rewards Card, Mastercard World Card

Card preparation service fee - Free

If the card is lost, a service fee must be paid for the purchase of a new card.

Purchasing a card


The card is free upon initial deposit of at least 500 AZN/USD/EUR at Baku and Sumgayit city branches, and 200 AZN/USD/EUR at regional branches.

The balance in the Kartmane account for the next years is at least 500 AZN/USD/EUR or the annual turnover is at least 3000 AZN/USD/EUR (the funds received into the account are not taken into account, the turnover means cashless retail and e-com turnover) and the surplus in this case, the service fee for that year is not charged.

Calculated interest rates

Interest rate (annual) calculated on the balance of funds in Kartmane Сredit: AZN 4% | USD 0.25% | EUR 0%

The minimum amount for which interest will be calculated on each card: 100 AZN/USD

The maximum interest amount for each card: 10,000 AZN/USD

Capitalization: Monthly capitalization with daily interest calculation (The first working day of each subsequent month is added).

Conversion commission for payments made in foreign currencies - 0.5%


Note: When ordering a card online, the income amount calculated based on the balance on the card begins to be calculated from the moment the card is delivered.

Card services

SMS Alert Service - 5 AZN (monthly)

PIN Change and PIN Erase Services - Free

Kartmane Credit owners can use their safes for free for 1 month.

Credit line

Borrower's age limit:

  • Minimum - 20 years
  • Maximum - 65 years on the last payment date of the loan

Borrower's workplace:

  • State enterprises
  • Private sector
  • Public legal entities

Work experience at the borrower's last place of work: Minimum 6 months

Loan amount: 

  • 200 AZN –15 000 AZN
  • If the loan amount is more than 10,000 AZN, the salary can be given at least 5,000 AZN or to VIP customers (up to 15,000 AZN equivalent in EUR and USD currencies).

Period: The term of the credit line is 24 months.

Interest rate: 25% per annum (10% in EUR and USD currencies).

Required documents:

  • Identity document;
  • Verification of employment;
  • Electronic reference;
  • Work permit;
  • Salary statement;

Guarantee requirement:

  • Loan amount up to 3,000 AZN without guarantor
  • Over AZN 3,001 with the guarantor of 1 person (Salary over AZN 1,000 or executives up to 5,000 AZN without guarantor)
  • AZN equivalent of the corresponding amount in EUR and USD currencies

Requirements against the surety:

The same as the requirements for the borrower - (except for the minimum wage requirement), as well as the DTI maximum of 60%


  • Borrower: min. 200 AZN (NET)
  • AZN equivalent in EUR and USD currencies
Terms of use of Kartmane Credit
  Cash Transactions
  Cashless Transactions
Annual interest rate
✔ 25% (EUR and USD, 10%)
✔ 25% (EUR and USD, 10%)
Grace Period
✔ No
✔ Up to 100 days*
Minimum Payment
✔ At the amount of 5% of the credit balance
✔ At the amount of 5% of the credit balance
Payment Date
✔ From the 1st to the 10th of each month
✔ From the 1st to the 10th of each month
Delay Interest
✔ 36 %, if the minimum payment is not made
✔ (20% in EUR and USD cards)
✔ 25% (10% in EUR and USD cards), if the minimum payment is not made,
✔ 36% (20% in EUR and USD cards), if the minimum payment is not made after the end of the grace period
İnterest to be charged on the amount 
✔ 25% (20% - EUR and USD)
✔ 25% (10% - EUR and USD)
Term of spending
✔ During the month
✔ During the month
Account cut-off date
✔ Last business day of each month
✔ Last business day of each month
Last payment date
✔ 10th of the next 3rd month
Cashing Limit
✔ 100%


Cashing Commission
✔ 2%


Card Blocking
✔ The card shall be blocked if the minimum payment is not made 2 times in a row (the block shall be released when the debt is paid according to the schedule)               
✔ The card shall be blocked if the minimum payment is not made 2 times in  a row (the block shall be released when the debt is paid according to the  schedule)
Extending the Period
✔ 30 days prior to the expiration of the credit line, the bank shall re-analyze the borrower’s financial condition and may, at its discretion, extend the availability period for the next 24 months.
 *If the Bank does not extend the term of the credit line, the amount of outstanding debt shall automatically be divided into annuity payments as follows and the current grace period shall be cancelled:
✔ If the amount of outstanding debt is less than 3 000 AZN, that amount with 29% per annum for a period of 12 months
✔ If the amount of outstanding debt is more than 3 000 AZN, that amount with 29% per annum for a period of 24 months
✔ The Bank will notify the Borrower of extension of the period of the credit line or division of the amount of outstanding debt into annuity payments by sending an SMS to the mobile number provided by the Borrower to the Bank.
Loan payment:
You can use the following methods to make your loan payments on time: E-manat, InternetBank, Mobile app, you can make the payment by going to the Online Loan Payment page ⏎. Credit payment destination must be selected when used.
Note: Card to Card method is not recommended for credit debt repayment. When paying Card to card or another bank's loan with credit cards, it is considered a cash transaction. The grace period does not apply to cash transactions.
Əlavə suallar üçün kimə müraciət edə bilərəm?

Suallarla bağlı 24/7 rejimdə xidmət göstərən 133 Məlumat Mərkəzimizə zəng etməklə, rəsmi internet səhifəmizdən və ya sizə ən yaxın filialımıza müraciət edə bilərsən.

Green cashback

Note ➜ Apple Pay and Google According to payments by means of pay, the transaction will be reflected after the transaction confirmation (deletion). The execution of the approval process is required for 3 days, but rarely may be required for 35 days.

Domestic and country operations, AZN cards, maximum monthly cashback amount are set to AZN 200.



Payment by card      

Payment using Apple Pay and Google Pay

Maximum by category per month.AZN

Petrol station
















Public transport, train




Barber, beauty salons, SPA












Electronics stores




























  • During the month (from the 5th of the current month to the 5th of the next month) when switching from the "Green Cashback" package to the "Azercell" or "Miles" package through Mobile Banking, the earned points are automatically transferred to the AZN card account.
  • During the use of the "Green Cashback" package, unused points during the month or remaining points after use are transferred to the following months.
  • Exceptions for circulation - ATM cash, Pos Cash, Card to Card, credit payments, transport (except for air transport), communications, betting games, state and utility payments, Quasi cash payments except, other payments are taken into account.
  • Cashback is not calculated for transactions made with Rabita Mobile.


Miles cashback

Maximum amount per "Miles" cashback package – 25 000 miles✓ (Domestic and international transactions)

Calculation procedure:


Payment by Card  

Payment by Apple Pay and Google Pay 

Maximm Miles by Monthly Category

Petrol Stations

1 AZN= 0,5  miles

1 AZN=5  miles

1500 miles


1 AZN= 0.75  miles

1 AZN=2.50  miles

1500 miles


1 AZN=1  miles

1 AZN=2.50  miles

1500 miles

Book stores

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1500 miles

Public transportation, trains

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1500 miles

Barbers/beauty salons/SPA

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1500 miles


1 AZN= 5 miles

1 AZN= 5 miles

1500 miles


1 AZN=1  miles

1 AZN=2.50  miles

1500 miles

Electronics stores

1AZN= 1 miles

1AZN= 1.50 miles

1500 miles


1 AZN= 0.75 miles

1 AZN= 0.75 miles



1AZN= 1 miles

1 AZN= 2.50  miles

1500 miles


1AZN= 1 miles

1 AZN= 2.50  miles

1500 miles

Zoo shops

1AZN= 1 miles

1 AZN= 2.50 miles

1500 miles


1 AZN=0.75  miles

1 AZN=1  miles

1500 miles 


1 AZN= 0.75  miles

1 AZN=1  miles


  • You can exchange spent funds for Miles within 30 days after making the corresponding expenses (payment for air tickets, hotel and car rental) under the "Miles" package. Miles earned within the "Miles" package are valid for 24 months from the start date of accrual.
  • Calculation form for exchanging miles for any means of payment (payment for air tickets, hotels and car rental): 1AZN=50 miles.
  • Within the first three months from the date of switching to the "Miles" package, the client will earn 1500 miles as a gift if 3000 AZN is circulated in just one of the three months. 1500 miles earned as a gift when using the "Miles" package are fully or partially written off from the client's miles account balance when switching from the "Miles" package to other cashback packages within 12 months from the date of its purchase. If there are not enough miles on the balance of miles of the client, additional fees and commissions will not be charged to the client.
  • Within a month (from the 5th of the current month to the 5th of the next month), when switching from the "Miles" package to the "Green Cashback" package through Mobile banking, the earned miles should be exchanged by paying "air ticket", "hotel" and "rent a car" on the "Miles" package. The earned miles are transferred to the Green Cashback package, which is transferred at a ratio of 1/50, if the "Miles" package is not exchanged for "air ticket", "hotel" or "rent a car" payments. Points (miles) earned during switching between "Azercell" and "Miles" packages are transferred to the new package as is.
  • During the transfer of earned miles when switching from the "Miles" package to other packages, bonuses earned exceeding 5000 miles per month (provided only by the bank) are cancelled.
  • During the use of the "Miles" package, the miles that were not used during the month or the remaining miles after their use are transferred to the following months.
  • When using the "Miles" package, points accrued based on the cashback interest rates established in accordance with the agreement reached with the bank's partner network are calculated in the amount of 50 times.
  • Exceptions for turnover - Except for cash withdrawals at ATMs, Pos Cash, Card to Card, credit payments, transport (except air), communications, sweepstakes, government and utility payments, and Quasi-cash payments, the turnover for other payments is taken into account. Cashback is not credited for transactions made through the Rabitabank Mobile app.
  • Cashback is not credited for transactions made through Rabita Mobile.
MCC Exception Codes

Card to Card: 4829,6536,6537,6538,6532
Government: 9211, 9222, 9223, 9311, 9399, 9402, 9405
Transportation: 4119, 4121, 4131, 4214, 4215, 4225, 4411, 4457, 4468,4789,4011,4111,4112,4784
Utilities: 4900
Cable/Satellite: 4899, 4814, 4816
Quasi Cash: 6540, 6012, 6050, 6051
Gambling: 7995,7801
ATM/POS Cash: 6010, 6011
Asan: 1100

MCC codes by turnover
  • Cafes/Restaurants: 5811,5812,5813,5814,1339,1340,1341,1347, 1349,1399, 2002, 2340
  • Petrol Station: 5542,5172,5983,5541,9752
  • Мarket: 5411,5422,5441,5451,5462,5499,5921
  • Insurance: 6211, 6300
  • Notary: 8111
  • Cinema: 7832
  • Books: 5942
  • Barber, Beauty salons, Spa: 7230,7297,7298
  • Airline ticket, Hotel, Car rental - PDF
Payment rules for USD, EUR cards
  • Holders of Kartmane debit cards whose currencies are USD and EUR will receive a 0.5% cashback for every transaction they make with Kartmane.
  • There is NO maximum monthly cashback amount for Kartmane Credit (cards in USD and EUR).
  • Cashback is not credited for Kartmane Debit cards in foreign currency - USD and EUR - in the bank's partner network.
  • **Note: All other payments, except for cashing out at an ATM, cash in POS and from card to card, credit payments, transport (except for air transportation), communications, utility and government payments are an exception. for all other payments, cashback will be credited according to the currency of the card. Cashback is not credited for transactions made through the Rabitabank Mobile Application.

Important notes about cashback packages
  • Cashback for payments made via Apple Pay and Google Pay will appear upon confirmation (write-off) of the transaction. By default, the approval process requires 3 days for execution, but in rare cases, it can take up to 35 days. 
  • Within a month (from the 5th of the current month to the 5th of the next month), the client can change any number of options in any direction between "Green", "Azercell" and "Miles" packages through Mobile Banking. Changes to the tariff package made within a month come into force from the next month. At the first change between the specified packages, the changes in the tariff package take effect immediately. Cards are initially provided to clients with the "Green" tariff package.
  • The opportunity to change the cashback package for free is provided only once.
  • For each subsequent change, a fee of 4.99 manats is charged. (Regardless of the number of tariff package changes during the month, the service fee is charged once. If the tariff package available at the beginning of the current month and the tariff package at the time of the transition to the next month remain the same, the commission charged for the tariff change during the month is refunded to the client, and the first-time free change is restored when the limit is used. If there are insufficient funds on the account, it is impossible to change the option)
  • The cashback period for the next month continues with the last active option ("Green" or "Azercell" or "Miles") of the client.       
  • Changes within a month (from the 5th day of the current month to the 5th day of the next month) apply only to the next period.
  • Cashback bonuses will be calculated on the last working day of the month and credited to the client's bonus account no later than the 5th of the following month.
  • The cashback calculation will be based on the transactions executed during the current month and will be credited to the cashback tariff chosen by the client on the 3rd working day of the following month. If write-offs on transactions executed during the current month are received by the bank later than the 3rd working day of the next month, these transactions will be credited to the cashback calculated for the next month.
  • Within a month (from the 5th day of the current month to the 5th day of the next month) "Green" package to the "Azercell" or "Miles" packages through the Mobile Banking, the earned points are automatically transferred to the AZN card account.
  • When switching from "Azercell" or "Miles" packages to the "Green" package within a month, the earned points (miles) must be changed by paying for Azercell call minutes/Azercell Internet package, and "air ticket", "hotel" and "rent a car" on the "Miles" package. Earned points (miles) are transferred to "Azercell call minutes/Azercell Internet package" on the "Azercell" package or "Miles" package for "air ticket", "hotel" or "rent a car" payments at a ratio of 1/50. Points (miles) earned during switching between "Azercell" and "Miles" packages are transferred to the new package as is. Bonuses earned over 5000 miles (provided by the bank only) are canceled when the earned miles are transferred from the "Miles" package to other packages. When switching from the "Cashback" package to the "Azercell" or "Miles" packages and vice versa, the cashback package to be switched will be credited until it takes effect, and the remaining points (miles) will be transferred to the new cashback package on the basis of the above calculation. When using cashback packages, unused points (miles) during the month or remaining points (miles) after their use are transferred to the following months.
  • Upon expiration of the card, points (miles) accrued under packages are canceled if the card is not renewed.
  • Points (miles) earned during payments are canceled when the refund is processed.
  • When using the "Azercell" and "Miles" packages, points accrued based on the cashback interest rates established in accordance with the agreement reached with the bank's partner network are calculated in the amount of 50 times.
  • Azercell call minutes and Azercell Internet package will be calculated according to the table and can only be used within the country for 30 days.
  • Miles earned within the "Miles" package are valid for 24 months from the start date of accrual.
  • You can exchange spent funds for MILES within 30 days after making the corresponding expenses (payment for air tickets, hotel and rent a car) under the "Miles" package.
  • Calculation form for exchanging miles for any means of payment (payment for air tickets, hotels and rent a car): 1AZN=50 miles
  • Within the first three months from the date of switching to the "Miles" package, the client will earn 1500 miles as a gift if 3000 AZN is circulated in just one of the three months. 1500 miles earned as a gift when using the "Miles" package are fully or partially written off from the client's miles account balance when switching from the "Miles" package to other packages within 12 months from the date of its purchase. If there are not enough miles on the balance of miles of the client, additional fees and commissions will not be charged to the client.
  • From 01.05.2022, cashback will not be credited to two or more existing or new MC World/Visa Rewards (debit or credit) or Master Card Black/Visa Infinite (debit or credit) plastic cards obtained in new AZN currency.
  • From 01.05.2022, cashback accrual for two or more MC World/Visa Rewards (debit or credit) or two or more Master Card Black/Visa Infinite (debit or credit) plastic cards will be credited to only 1 (one) card determined by the client at his choice (This rule applies to existing and cards obtained in new AZN currency).
  • Within a month (from the 1st to the 31st of the current month), the Branch may change the cashback accrual once from one card to another at the client's choice. Changes made within a month will take effect from the following month.

To familiarize yourself with our tariff schedules, please visit: www.rabitabank.com/tarifler